Take Action


There are so many ways you can get involved and join the fight against exploitation in Canada! To donate, please click on the headings below.



Thank you so much for your support!

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Take Action

There are so many other ways you can join the fight against human trafficking in Canada. Here are just a few…

  1. Take a stand against the objectification and sexualization of our young girls. In todays society, self-esteem is very low in girls and the media (social media, TV, movies, print, music) continues to hyper-sexualize and objectifies girls. They are promoted as objects to use, dominate, and even make money with. We believe that everyone can take a stand by speaking out, and by not supporting brands, music, movies, and media that objectives and devalues women. 

  2. Awareness is a key component to this work because Canadian's are largely uninformed and unaware of this massive problem within its borders. You can use your sphere of influence to shine a light on this issue. Whether through social media, or organizing an event, anyone can bring awareness. 

  3. Fundraising is a great way to support a cause, as well as bring awareness to an issue. You may want to organize your own event, or participate in an existing event. 

Donor Restricted Gifts

Spending of donated funds is restricted to programs and projects that are approved by the Board of Directors. Should a donor choose to designate a contribution to a particular board approved program or project, Global Family Canada will honour that designation with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Board of Directors, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.